Convert Hours and or Minutes into Seconds

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Convert 30 minutes into seconds
Convert 50 minutes 17 seconds into seconds
Convert 8 hours 30 minutes into seconds
Convert 7 hours 5 minutes 36 seconds into seconds
Convert 9 hours 35 minutes 18 seconds into seconds
Convert 10 minutes 21 seconds into seconds
Convert 25 minutes 15 seconds into seconds
Convert 2 hours 5 minutes 38 seconds into seconds
Convert 6 hours 10 minutes into seconds
Convert 8 hours 35 minutes into seconds
Convert 5 hours 15 minutes into seconds
Convert 11 hours 40 minutes into seconds
Convert 20 minutes 25 seconds into seconds
Convert 25 minutes into seconds
Convert 6 hours 30 minutes 26 seconds into seconds
Convert 20 minutes into seconds
Convert 5 hours 15 minutes 58 seconds into seconds
Convert 5 hours 30 minutes into seconds
Convert 5 hours 35 minutes into seconds
Convert 1 hours 35 minutes 51 seconds into seconds

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Convert 30 minutes into seconds
1800 seconds
step 1
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
30 minutes = 30 x 60 seconds
30 x 60 seconds = 1800 seconds
step 2
Write the statement
30 minutes = 1800 seconds
Convert 50 minutes 17 seconds into seconds
3017 seconds
step 1
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
50 minutes = 50 x 60 seconds
50 x 60 seconds = 3000 seconds
step 2
Add minutes to time in seconds
50 minutes + 17 seconds
3000 seconds + 17 seconds = 3017 seconds
step 3
Write the statement
50 minutes 17 seconds = 3017 seconds
Convert 8 hours 30 minutes into seconds
30600 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
8 hours = 8x 60 minutes
8x 60 minutes = 480 minutes
step 2
Find the total minutes for time in hours & minutes
8 hours + 30 minutes
510 minutes + 30 minutes = 510 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for total time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
510 x 60 seconds =30600seconds
step 4
Write the statement
8 hours 30 minutes = 30600 seconds
Convert 7 hours 5 minutes 36 seconds into seconds
25536 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
7 hours = 7 x 60 minutes
7 x 60 minutes = 420 minutes
step 2
Add the time in hours & minutes
7 hours + 5 minutes
420 minutes + 5 minutes = 425 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
425 minutes = 425 x 60 seconds = 25500 seconds
step 4
Add the seconds to hour & minutes
7 hours + 5 minutes +36 seconds
25500 seconds + 36 seconds = 25536
step 5
Write the statement
7 hours 5 minutes 36 seconds = 25536 seconds
Convert 9 hours 35 minutes 18 seconds into seconds
34518 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
9 hours = 9 x 60 minutes
9 x 60 minutes = 540 minutes
step 2
Add the time in hours & minutes
9 hours + 35 minutes
540 minutes + 35 minutes = 575 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
575 minutes = 575 x 60 seconds = 34500 seconds
step 4
Add the seconds to hour & minutes
9 hours + 35 minutes +18 seconds
34500 seconds + 18 seconds = 34518
step 5
Write the statement
9 hours 35 minutes 18 seconds = 34518 seconds
Convert 10 minutes 21 seconds into seconds
621 seconds
step 1
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
10 minutes = 10 x 60 seconds
10 x 60 seconds = 600 seconds
step 2
Add minutes to time in seconds
10 minutes + 21 seconds
600 seconds + 21 seconds = 621 seconds
step 3
Write the statement
10 minutes 21 seconds = 621 seconds
Convert 25 minutes 15 seconds into seconds
1515 seconds
step 1
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
25 minutes = 25 x 60 seconds
25 x 60 seconds = 1500 seconds
step 2
Add minutes to time in seconds
25 minutes + 15 seconds
1500 seconds + 15 seconds = 1515 seconds
step 3
Write the statement
25 minutes 15 seconds = 1515 seconds
Convert 2 hours 5 minutes 38 seconds into seconds
7538 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
2 hours = 2 x 60 minutes
2 x 60 minutes = 120 minutes
step 2
Add the time in hours & minutes
2 hours + 5 minutes
120 minutes + 5 minutes = 125 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
125 minutes = 125 x 60 seconds = 7500 seconds
step 4
Add the seconds to hour & minutes
2 hours + 5 minutes +38 seconds
7500 seconds + 38 seconds = 7538
step 5
Write the statement
2 hours 5 minutes 38 seconds = 7538 seconds
Convert 6 hours 10 minutes into seconds
22200 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
6 hours = 6x 60 minutes
6x 60 minutes = 360 minutes
step 2
Find the total minutes for time in hours & minutes
6 hours + 10 minutes
370 minutes + 10 minutes = 370 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for total time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
370 x 60 seconds =22200seconds
step 4
Write the statement
6 hours 10 minutes = 22200 seconds
Convert 8 hours 35 minutes into seconds
30900 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
8 hours = 8x 60 minutes
8x 60 minutes = 480 minutes
step 2
Find the total minutes for time in hours & minutes
8 hours + 35 minutes
515 minutes + 35 minutes = 515 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for total time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
515 x 60 seconds =30900seconds
step 4
Write the statement
8 hours 35 minutes = 30900 seconds
Convert 5 hours 15 minutes into seconds
18900 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
5 hours = 5x 60 minutes
5x 60 minutes = 300 minutes
step 2
Find the total minutes for time in hours & minutes
5 hours + 15 minutes
315 minutes + 15 minutes = 315 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for total time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
315 x 60 seconds =18900seconds
step 4
Write the statement
5 hours 15 minutes = 18900 seconds
Convert 11 hours 40 minutes into seconds
42000 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
11 hours = 11x 60 minutes
11x 60 minutes = 660 minutes
step 2
Find the total minutes for time in hours & minutes
11 hours + 40 minutes
700 minutes + 40 minutes = 700 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for total time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
700 x 60 seconds =42000seconds
step 4
Write the statement
11 hours 40 minutes = 42000 seconds
Convert 20 minutes 25 seconds into seconds
1225 seconds
step 1
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
20 minutes = 20 x 60 seconds
20 x 60 seconds = 1200 seconds
step 2
Add minutes to time in seconds
20 minutes + 25 seconds
1200 seconds + 25 seconds = 1225 seconds
step 3
Write the statement
20 minutes 25 seconds = 1225 seconds
Convert 25 minutes into seconds
1500 seconds
step 1
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
25 minutes = 25 x 60 seconds
25 x 60 seconds = 1500 seconds
step 2
Write the statement
25 minutes = 1500 seconds
Convert 6 hours 30 minutes 26 seconds into seconds
23426 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
6 hours = 6 x 60 minutes
6 x 60 minutes = 360 minutes
step 2
Add the time in hours & minutes
6 hours + 30 minutes
360 minutes + 30 minutes = 390 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
390 minutes = 390 x 60 seconds = 23400 seconds
step 4
Add the seconds to hour & minutes
6 hours + 30 minutes +26 seconds
23400 seconds + 26 seconds = 23426
step 5
Write the statement
6 hours 30 minutes 26 seconds = 23426 seconds
Convert 20 minutes into seconds
1200 seconds
step 1
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
20 minutes = 20 x 60 seconds
20 x 60 seconds = 1200 seconds
step 2
Write the statement
20 minutes = 1200 seconds
Convert 5 hours 15 minutes 58 seconds into seconds
18958 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
5 hours = 5 x 60 minutes
5 x 60 minutes = 300 minutes
step 2
Add the time in hours & minutes
5 hours + 15 minutes
300 minutes + 15 minutes = 315 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
315 minutes = 315 x 60 seconds = 18900 seconds
step 4
Add the seconds to hour & minutes
5 hours + 15 minutes +58 seconds
18900 seconds + 58 seconds = 18958
step 5
Write the statement
5 hours 15 minutes 58 seconds = 18958 seconds
Convert 5 hours 30 minutes into seconds
19800 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
5 hours = 5x 60 minutes
5x 60 minutes = 300 minutes
step 2
Find the total minutes for time in hours & minutes
5 hours + 30 minutes
330 minutes + 30 minutes = 330 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for total time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
330 x 60 seconds =19800seconds
step 4
Write the statement
5 hours 30 minutes = 19800 seconds
Convert 5 hours 35 minutes into seconds
20100 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
5 hours = 5x 60 minutes
5x 60 minutes = 300 minutes
step 2
Find the total minutes for time in hours & minutes
5 hours + 35 minutes
335 minutes + 35 minutes = 335 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for total time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
335 x 60 seconds =20100seconds
step 4
Write the statement
5 hours 35 minutes = 20100 seconds
Convert 1 hours 35 minutes 51 seconds into seconds
5751 seconds
step 1
Convert hours into minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 hours = 1 x 60 minutes
1 x 60 minutes = 60 minutes
step 2
Add the time in hours & minutes
1 hours + 35 minutes
60 minutes + 35 minutes = 95 minutes
step 3
Find the time in seconds for time in minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
95 minutes = 95 x 60 seconds = 5700 seconds
step 4
Add the seconds to hour & minutes
1 hours + 35 minutes +51 seconds
5700 seconds + 51 seconds = 5751
step 5
Write the statement
1 hours 35 minutes 51 seconds = 5751 seconds

Time in Seconds Conversion Worksheet

Hours & minutes to seconds conversion worksheet with answers for 6th grade math curriculum is available online for free in printable and downloadable (pdf & image) format. Tap on PRINT, PDF or IMAGE button to print or download this grade-6 time conversion & measurement worksheet to practice how to convert time duration in hours, minutes and seconds to seconds.

How to Use this Worksheet

In this sixth grade time conversion and measurement worksheet, students are required to find the time duration in seconds from the time duration in either hours and minutes, hours or minutes. 1 minute is equals to 60 seconds and 1 hour is equals to 60 minutes. Convert the total time duration into minutes and multiply as many minutes to 60 to find the time in seconds.

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