RankUpturn LMS: The Objectives of Teacher User Account

Teach, Track and Drive to the Learning Objectives!
RankUpturn provides powerful tools, channels and resources for teachers to statistically understand the classroom of student’s needs collectively and individually; automate the learning activities, reuse the resources, reduce the workload and free-up more time; centrally monitoring the entire performance of classroom; prepare and optimize the content delivery based on every student’s strength and weaknesses to fill the learning needs. It is a more simplified classroom and curriculum management solution for teachers to efficiently manage classrooms, manage curriculums, materialize learning activities, reuse the resources, and automate everything from lesson, homework, assignment, live contest, formative assessment, summative assessment, mock exam, quiz, activity management, response management, tracking to reporting to fill the learning needs of every student in the classroom in the given time.

The TEACHER Account

With RankUpturn LMS, an educational institution can provide all the necessary tools, resources and channels for teachers to optimize the content delivery, collect the classroom of students’ responses and validate the responses to statistically understand and fill the classroom of students’ learning needs individually and collectively. In addition to reaching the objectives, the how-to videos provided in this article help Teacher users to easily understand how to initially get started with RankUpturn LMS. The TEACHER User The user type Teacher denotes any stakeholder who has been successfully added as a Teacher under your institution. The Teacher is the responsible person to control the flow of content delivery, response collection and validation including automation.
The primary aims of Teacher account is to:
  1. understand the classroom of students’ needs collectively and individually,
  2. prepare and optimize the content delivery based strength and weaknesses,
  3. AUTOMATE the content delivery, response collection and validation,
  4. fill the learning gaps in real time,
  5. reuse the resources, reduce the workload and free-up more time,
  6. centrally monitoring the entire performance of classroom,
  7. maximize the communication and stay connected to the classroom at always,
  8. collaborate with peers to increase their own performance,
  9. provide the exceptional teaching and learning experience at all times,
  10. make all communication more secure, reliable and policy compliance,
  11. save time exceptionally.

How-to Videos to Start Understand and Fill the Learning Needs:

  • what is Learning Activity?
  • what are all the response collection types?
  • what is Learning Activity TEMPLATES?
  • how to upload the OFFLINE ACTIVITY scores?
  • what is AUTOMATION and how to do it?
  • what is SEMI-AUTOMATION and how to do it?
  • what is NON-AUTOMATION and how to do it?
  • how to schedule the learning activities to the classroom of students?
  • what does the learning activity DUE DATE mean?
  • how to use the existing templates for learning activities?
  • how to AUTOMATE content delivery, response collection and validation?
  • how to effectively free-up or save time?
  • how to understand the classroom of students’ needs collectively and individually?
  • how to instantly connect with the classroom of students over audio or video call?
  • how to measure the engagement of students to the learning activity?
  • how to do the manual validation?
  • How to Create Learning Activity FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT?
  • what is LIVE CONTEST and how to do it?
  • what is Library and how to use it?
  • how to understand the individual student needs in learning?
  • how to fill the performance or learning gaps?
  • How to Create Learning Activity HOMEWORK?
  • How to Create Learning Activity MOCK TEST?
  • How to Create Learning Activity QUIZ?
Incorporating RankUpturn LMS helps teachers to statistically understand the classroom of students’ learning needs and effectively save time. The automation for content delivery, response collection and validation provides numerous opportunities to save time effectively. Teachers can save up to 70% of time. The performance analytics report which clearly indicates the strengths and weaknesses of the classroom of students collectively and individually. Therefore, get started with a free subscription today to experience how RankUpturn LMS uniquely helps the Teachers to automate classroom and curriculum activities, accumulate the real time performance data, statistically understand and fill the learning needs and save time effectively.
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