RankUpturn LMS: The Objectives of Root and Institution Admin

Teach, Track and Drive to the Learning Objectives!
RankUpturn is a more simplified classroom and curriculum management solution for teachers or tutors to manage classrooms, manage curriculums, materialize learning activities and automate everything from lesson, homework, assignment, live contest, formative assessment, summative assessment, mock exam, quiz, activity management, response management, tracking to reporting, and centrally monitor everyone's progress of your entire classroom.


The Root and Institution Admin users can be able to set up the institution, control the access, materialize the curriculum, provide the necessary tools and resources for teachers and students to maximize the productivity and save time, accumulate the business critical data and centrally monitor the entire institution’s performance. In addition to reaching the objectives, the how-to videos provided in this article help Root and Institution Admin users easily understand how to initially setup an institution over RankUpturn LMS. The Root User: The user type Root denotes the user who initially registered with RankUpturn for your institution having all the necessary privileges to setup, control and monitor the entire institution. Root is the only user who can add or assign new Institution Admin users for the institution. The Institution Admin User: The user type Institution Admin denotes the stakeholders like principals, board members or any administrative persons added or assigned by the Root user, having all the necessary privileges to set up, control and monitor the entire institution.
The primary aims of Root and Institution Admin account is to:
  1. setup the entire institution over RankUpturn including access controls,
  2. help other stakeholders particularly Teachers to save time on repeated tasks,
  3. centrally monitoring the performance of the entire institution over time to understand the learning needs.

Account/Institution Setup:

In general, the collection of classrooms based on the courses or curriculums is called an institution. To set up or create the classroom successfully with RankUpturn, you as an Institution Admin always remember that you have done the following to have your classroom setup complete.

  1. creating the classroom based on the course.
  2. adding the respective students.
  3. assigning the corresponding curriculums to the created classroom based on subjects.
  4. assigning the teachers based on curriculum or subjects.
  5. assigning a classroom admin (in-charge)

How-to Videos to Initially Setup an Institution over RankUpturn LMS:

  • how to add institution admin users? (applicable for Root user only)
  • how to add or modify grades, academics or courses list in your institution/school?
  • how to add subjects based on grades, academics or courses?
  • how to add or create a classroom?
  • how to rename the classroom?
  • how to add teachers?
  • how to create or add curriculum based on subjects?
  • how to add or modify connected learning resources of curriculum?
  • how to assign teachers to the classroom based on subjects?
  • how to un-assign a teacher from the classroom?
  • how to assign a Classroom Admin role to a Teacher and why?
  • how to check if any setup is missing for a classroom?
  • how to enable, block and unblock teacher’s access?
  • how to enable, block and unblock admin’s access?
  • how to use the Library?
  • how to use Messages?
  • what’s Calendar?
  • what’s Notes?
  • how to assign subjects and curriculums to the classroom?
  • how to un-assign curriculum from the classroom?
  • How to Modify Curriculum Objectives of a Curriculum or Subject?

Help Teachers to save time on repeated tasks:

In general, the curriculum and the learning objectives will not be changing very frequently. So the basic teaching methodologies and activities content will also not be changing often. When having your institution and classrooms data driven, the teachers under your institution find plenty of opportunities to save the time very significantly. Reusability, content delivery automation, response collection automation, validation automation and making the learning resources centrally accessible are the five major methods to help teachers save literally a lot of time. All these 5 methods help teachers to save up to 70% of time for an academic year. As an Institution Admin you can also help Teachers by connecting the right learning resources with the corresponding learning objectives of the curriculums. Refer the below RankUpturn how-to videos to understand how you as an Root or Institution Admin help the Teachers to save their precious time effectively:

  • how to connect learning resources against curriculum objectives?
  • what are learning activity templates?
  • how to use Task Maker and learning resources to save time on repeated tasks?
  • what are all the difference between connected learning activity templates and learning resources?
  • how to use the RankUpturn Library to make your files centrally accessible?

Monitor the Entire Institution Performance:

The performance monitoring is a very important section for stakeholders like principals, board members or any administrative persons of the institution to understand the learning needs, stay aware of current performance trends, systematically amplify personalized learning and fill the performance gaps in real time from anywhere, anytime. By incorporating RankUpturn, they don’t have to completely rely on teachers' reports or wait for periodical examination reports to understand how the institution is performing over the period of time and fix the performance gaps effectively. Refer the below RankUpturn how-to videos to understand how you as an Root or Institution Admin statistically understand and fill the performance gaps:

  • you as an institution admin,
  • how to measure the individual student’s progress?
  • how to measure the individual teacher’s performance?
  • how to measure classroom progress?
  • how to measure the institution's progress?
  • how to access the last teacher or student performance records?
The Root and Institution Admin users can set up, control and centrally monitor the entire institution over RankUpturn LMS including access controls, help other stakeholders particularly Teachers to save time on repeated tasks and centrally monitor the performance of the entire institution over time to understand the learning needs.

Accumulating the real time performance data is really difficult to carry out and often requires your institution to adopt the suitable technological solutions alongside your traditional learning environments. In addition to adopting the technological solution, finding the effective, reliable, secure and comprehensive learning management system (LMS) is not an easy task indeed. But RankUpturn LMS is making this job easier for you by providing a secure, reliable and comprehensive digital infrastructure to scale-up your digital transformation journey hassle-free. By start using RankUpturn LMS, an institution can statistically understand performance gaps and take the clear decisions at the right time to drive your institution towards the collective objectives effectively. Therefore, get started with a free subscription today to experience how RankUpturn LMS uniquely helps the educational institutes to reach the objectives much easier than ever before.
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